Wednesday 1 June 2011

Another 2 days of count down

I It is not easy. Who said it would be ? 
I did cheat yesterday with a coffee. Otherwise I would have risked an accident in the car, I'm afraid. To be up early and driving is not the best idea for this adventure. Otherwise I am proud of myself. 
Breakfast: Quinoa ,pollen and some rice sirup. It is actually just wonderful. Lots of herbal tea.
It is also practical to cook Quinoa flakes for a quicker breakfast. Although, Whole grain is a better choice.
Lunch: A lean fish and veggies in the restaurant yesterday. 
I made good dish today, being home. A piece of Salmon in the oven. Cooked semibrown rice, steamed broccoli and a pesto from basil and almonds. Deliscious and should not be unhealthy.  
Dinner: Will be a miso soup. 

Good news: I worked with my trainer this morning and it was not my regular body doing exercise. Wow, I could bend and do things I can't do. So one week of a non gluten diet makes miracles.

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