Monday, 30 May 2011
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Countdown....there is 5 days left before I start the Clean Program. Dr. Alejandro Junger explains very carefully in his book about the importance of the 10 days before a fast. The body needs to be prepared and mostly the mind. Why am I doing this ? My husband and I have done the Ayurvedic cleansing twice in India and came out newborn after 3 weeks of treatments. I would love to have it in India again but the time is not there for a 3 weeks holiday. It might work well at home and the book CLEAN was so inspirational.
I feel heavy and slow lately, I do not jump out of bed, I got a small excema on my pinky finger ( indication of toxic overload ) my skin is dry even with layers of Dr. Hauska.
So I decided some Spring Cleaning is essential.
BREAKFAST: a bowl of Quinoa with some pollen (Made a batch last night) A large cup of herbal tea. A mix of green tea , rooibos, liquirice, cinnamon, oregano, thyme, sage, rosemary. A glass of peach fruit juice with a spoon of spirulina.
SNACK: I made my favorite Juice. carrot, apple and 1/2 lemon. One rice cracker and a delicious Mint tea with fresh mints. It is easy when you have a garden.
LUNCH: A salad to dye for..... Quinoa, lettuce, the softest avocado, radishes. It was big.
SNACK: lots of fresh water and I had a dip around four. Had a handful of almods and raisons.
DINNER: Incredibly impossible...I did not have a lot of apetite. Had a rucola sallad with a soon of hummus ( Chickpeas are not recomended by Dr Junger ) that I had made for the family. Could not resist. On a ricecracker.
I think I did well today. Friend always tell me that I eat as a truckdriver...Hmm
PS. A nice Quinoa salad is on the 101cookbook blog.
SNACK: lots of fresh water and I had a dip around four. Had a handful of almods and raisons.
DINNER: Incredibly impossible...I did not have a lot of apetite. Had a rucola sallad with a soon of hummus ( Chickpeas are not recomended by Dr Junger ) that I had made for the family. Could not resist. On a ricecracker.
I think I did well today. Friend always tell me that I eat as a truckdriver...Hmm
PS. A nice Quinoa salad is on the 101cookbook blog.
Dress in Orange
The nicest shade this summer is definitely Orange.
I am crazy about this colour in sweaters , accessories and pants. Anything. I even noticed a new car by Fiat in orange and it looked fantastic.
It is easy to cordinate it with White.
Love the Spring Summer Collectoion by Michael Kors.
My guess is that we are going to see a lot of Orange tones, Coral and Warm Reds going into Fall Winter as well. This coat is from Jil Sander.
Another perfect look by Michael Kors. BUT, you need the Orange bag to go with it. Although the natural leather look was perfect for this Summer as well.
One of my very favorate dresses this Summer is from LemLem or You can get her collection at Nonchalant Mom.

A perfect colour, perfect femininity and a perfect price.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
I have just finished reading a book, CLEAN, I found very inspirational. was recomending it in January and I thought it sounded intresting with a modern information on cleansing away some toxic energy. Normally I am very sceptic to new fads and stick to my Macrobiotic philosophy and Ayurveda treatments.
This is a new way of looking at our modern lifestyle. I guess we all know that fast food, OMG, caffeine, chemicals, computers and mobile phones are not the best for you.
Even then, we generously give our kids a mobile, a practical way to keep track of them.
Are they going to pay for our insecurity ?
And all the other things we do and can not control around us, acid rain, pollution, secondhand smoke and so on.
Well, we can't freak out about it all.
Alejandro Junger is giving information in very simple way and so self explained.
Super inspirational!
Normally , January is the month of fasting, detoxing diets, but I prefer a warmer month like June. I have been preparing myself for a week and should go another week of less food, more drinks.
I desided to share this every day with You and perhaps inspire.... if it is not interesting just skip and read the normal post.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Green Pasta
Sometimes I do think if a goat can survive in my garden, I can ....
It is nice to invent something tasty and healthy from almost nothing. I made a pasta for my lunch today and it turned out great. Whole weat "penne" with Dandelions. I actually grow Dandelions but it is equally nice with wild ones. If the leaves are tender. I cut some wild Fennel and some leaves of Coriander. I have a small cast iron pot with the perfect lid. So the trick is to heat the pot, throw in the washed and cut greens, still slghtly wet and close the lid. I added a handful of raisons as well. Let cook for 3 minutes. Not more, the greens will turn brown and there is nothing worse than brown, overcooked vegetables. They need to have a bright green shade. Open the lid and add the warm pasta. Finish off with your favorite Olive oil and some drops of Tamari.
It could not be more simple and perfectly healthy.
Bon apetito,Gunn
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
New at the shop
We just received a new delivery of handmade leather bracelets from indigenous Sami and Lapland artisans, Sweden.
This time in some new brights for the Summer.
They are made from vegetable tanned raindeer skin with braided embroidery in silver, nickel-free pewter and a buttons in recycled antlers. Raindeer shed their antlers every summer. See Un Momento Nordico on line shop or send a mail.
Photos and Illustrations at Pria Gallery
The week is running away faster than you want. Forgot to tell about these amazing photograps showing in the Gallery Lo Spazio Pria, Biella. The space of itself, is a piece of art. An ex wool factory and one of the most important in the Piedmont history. The spaces are enourmous , white and fresh with a good light.
4 Artist are showing , one of them, Lyle Roblin become a favorite of mine. The photos just spoke to me. Perhaps it is my love for the industry in general. Lyle captures the object as he sees it at - that very moment and -in that very special light. The above photo is my favorite in the show. About 2 by 1 1/2 meters. So still, a sceen from the past and yet so full of life. The perfection produced by a man, perhaps standing by that table for 40 years. I looks like he walked away....and planned to be back. He left a piece of Art and Lyle was the only one noticing it.
Lyle, himself calls them " The Suspended life of things" a wonderful expression.
Lyle told me that this is part of a train in Milano, that we all walk by hundreds of time. I never noticed it. He did. The photo is incredible vibrant. Click on the images, to see them larger, it makes a difference or visit his site.
The best of success for him,
Monday, 23 May 2011
Tonic Water From Elder Flowers
The garden is full of Elder flowers in May .
My old files of scrap paper had a note on Elder flowers for tonic water. Why not ? Let's try it.
I know there is a lot you can make. Kind of fritters with the flowers , but I guess it's not what I am into right now.
How to make a lovely refreshing and slightly astringent toner for face. It is very light and neutral that I would recommend it for all skin types.
Steep 2 cups of fresh handpicked and cleaned flowers in 1/2 cup of boiled water for 24 hours. Keep a lid on for keeping the scent. I used a recycled marmalade jar. Strain and fill a nice bottle.
My old note said - It whitens and soften the skin.
It is worth a try. Quite easy to make. I do not know how long it is lasting, perhaps for a week. But I would suggest to store the bottle in a cool place.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Wonderful Food by Heidi Swanson
I received some new books from Amazon a couple of days ago. It is always like Christmas Eve when the box arrives.
"super natural every day" by Heidi Swanson in San Francisco was one of them.
Click on her name to arrive at her blog. You might recognize it from my favorite blog list.
Click on her name to arrive at her blog. You might recognize it from my favorite blog list.
So, I have been cooking and eating all weekend, when I did not work in the vegetable garden.... Her natural and personal style is wonderful and makes me feel very comfortable cooking her food. She is also using ingredients I normally have stocked in my pantry, such as Organic Japanese Tamari, Millet, Seeds, Whole Grains and Beans. She has a very warm style in writing and is very descriptive on how to use utensils and ingredients. I found that very interesting and lovely to read. Actually, I read it cover to cover.
Not only that, she is also taking some beautiful photographs. They are stylish, inspirational and awaken your appetite. Food is not easy to get well on film.
Here is just one example of many great recipes in the book. If you are ready for a healthy cooking and a new fresh book , this is the one. The millet muffins where just delicious to have for Sunday Breakfast.
Remember to click on each image to make them bigger.
PS. It is also making me nostalgic of San Francisco, where I lived for four years. It is time to return for a holiday and see one of my dearest friends.
I Just Love San Francisco,
Friday, 20 May 2011
Eclat Magazine In Japan
The Japanese magazine Eclat just issued an article on me. That is very nice of them.
It was photographed in this period last year.
It is showing me in my home and talking about my healthy lifestyle in the country and my passion of greens. Garden , herbs, flowers and food. We tried to translate the article, but it is really quite impossible. It is very positive and friendly. Saying that I have a relaxed home in the hills. Yes, I am lucky to share this with cats and dogs and family.
Some mixed photos of the shop Un Momento Nordico in Biella and products
from nara heltnaturligt
Serving a healthy and colorful lunch with vegetables from the garden.
Thank You Eclat,
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Lino Tagliapietra's Venitian Glass
We where lucky to be in Venice when the show of Murano born, glass artist Lino Tagliapietra was happening. It was a fantastic presentation of his most important pieces.
It was also a very nice video of him working in Italy and America.
I know a little bit of glass blowing through my Designer friends in Sweden, who are actually good friends of Lino.
It is not easy to handle the hot, heavy glass and weave it into these graceful shapes requires a master. Lino Tagliapietra is considered one of the best.
See his site, it is very informative.
Electric blue, in this amazing shape. It is curious to see it stand safely on a table.
This piece unfolds his classic background.
This is the Palazzi Cavalli- Franchetti. near the Bridge of Accademia.
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Serenissima - Republic of Venice
Finally back to a normal life again and that is including blogging. Sometimes life is not regular for good and bad reasons. I am out of an intense work period and dashed to Venice for unfortunately only 2 1/2 days. Venice was lovely and quite amazing. I do not know Venice very well, although my 20 years in Italy. I have been in and out quickly for a dinner date or two. My husband and I promised each other that Venice will be explored this year.
Venice is the best, at night when all the tourists are sitting down for dinner or went off for the night. Calm water canals and dark alleys are fascinatingly romantic.
Venetian Carnival masks are intriguing and curious. The personality is wonderful.
I love them in white and hand made from Casa del sole .
The upper left is called Bauta and is the first mask developed in 1800 Century to hide the wearer's identity and social status. It is covering the mouth with a triangular shape, so it does not have to be removed during drinking and eating.
The second to the right is Medico Della Peste / The Plague Doctor , perhaps the most bizarre and recognisable of the Venetian masks. The doctor developed a herbal blend to keep in the beak to keep the plague away. Salts and aromatic plants; rosemary, garlic, juniper.
Could it be useful against pollution in Milano ?
This was a young school class receiving a presentation by the mask maker at Casa del sole. We stayed in and listened.
The mask really changed the personality of the young boy.
Caffe Quadri is an important appointment in Venice.
I prefer to stay inside and have a glass of Cartizze from Valdobbiadene.
I would love to receive some great ideas for the next trip.
Thanks, Gunn
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
How to see Venice in 2 days !
Do your research, map out the day on an I-pad ,
keep the pad handy when you are lost for direction,
keep the pad handy when you are lost for direction,
put on a speedy and comfortable sneaker ( stylish ),
dress elegantly and chic ( to fit in with the locals ),
start the day with a good coffee.
Normally I would have said a healthy breakfast, but they are not to be seen in any Italian hotels.
Stay on track with your time table and Go !
Ours included 2 hours tea brake at Caffè Florian and many other important appointments.
Ended a busy and amazing day, with Antonio Vivaldi's Four Seasons concert,
performed by Italian ensemble Interpreti Veneziani.
God night,
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Amaranth Sweets
A Peruvian friend is making fantastic sweets from Amaranth cereals. I can really suggest this as a healthy natural treat for small and big kids. It is also quite fun to make.
This is how you make them.
1- Heat a quite large pot with a lid. When the pot is warm , throw in the cereals and when it start to pop , kind of a silent rain. Move the pot away from the heat. It will easily burn. The concept is like when you pop popcorn at home.
2 - Add honey to make it sticky. The amount of honey is up to You.
In Peru there is a special wooden tool to press the round balls. We improvise with a square of plastic foil and let them dry up a bit into the shapes.
A healthy and nice snack for the Afternoon Tea.
Try it !
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Flower market
Twice a year, we have an amazing flower market in the hills of the prealps in Piedmont. And I would not miss this appointment for anything in the world. Even if it is a wonderful spring rain, we gardeners appreciate a lot.
A view from the castle. Biella is located, kind of the very center of the photo.
Castello Masino is dominating from the hill of Caravino and is a worthwhile visit. The foundation FAI has made a thorough restoration of the castle and the garden. It is aslo FAI , who has initiated this appointment together with garden architect Paolo Pejrone
For traveling, there is some information on piemonteitalia
I get so busy looking at plants for my garden that I forget to take photos.
My friend Elisabeth, who accompanied me, is also so much better at it.
Click on each image to see them better.
There is not only flowers, but also a large selection of plants for the vegetable garden and aromatic herbs. This occasion brings a waste amount of Gardeners with their specialized products. There is a supplier for all kinds of exotic Begonias, there is antique fruit , water flowers and one is specialized in ferns. Endless of amazing ideas and presentations.
I have this idea ( might be crazy ) to start a small chicken garden. To have new friends, for some fresh eggs ( although I do not really eat eggs ) for gifts, but mostly for their poop. It is the best for the vegetable garden..... Found a supplier of charming chickens.
Peonies, what can I say. Just perfect. Did God create them ?
My concentration is mostly on perennial plants for my blue garden. Anyone with a sane mind would have given up long time ago. I started it 8 years ago and it looks like it was made yesterday. Living in the hills, the soil is impossible and I try to improve it every year.
The best result I am getting is Iris, Peonies and Acquleia.
A bi-coloured Aquilegia caerulea "Heavenly Blue"
More friends...
A place to be ...
This is also a way to shop the market.
It was great !
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