Monday 26 April 2010

Dear Friends

To all my dear friends at Tomorrowland,Gallerie Vie and Des Pres.

I would like to thank you for your great attention and fantastic support during our presentation of nara heltnaturligt. I am very grateful i had the opportunity to meet you all in person and see your positive reactions to our products. It makes me very proud!

I was very pleased with our launch at the Tomorrowland White House and we have had a good response from the press and friends. Personally, i had a great time as always in Tokyo, a city with a special place in my heart.

I hope you will continue to enjoy nara heltnaturligt organic skin care to care for yourself every day: relaxing showers and baths, healthy hair and soft hand are small things that make life a little pleasanter and keep you energized and happy!

I look foreward to seeing you again soon,

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