Monday 23 August 2010

No impact man

 Are we aware or just faking it ?

Carina, my friend at Nonchalant mom blog , is always very inspiring to me. 
She mentioned the documentary film No impact man , some time ago and I have seen it twice and could ( no, should ) see it again. Just for an inspiration and as a reminder that there is a lot to do at the base, called home.
Colin Beavan and his family are really wonderful and so courageous showing this experiment of a everyday life on film. And what is amazing is that they are in Manhattan. I love when Michelle is going off coffee and seeing "the almost the same/but different" Marc Jacobs bag in the shop window. I sympathised with her...
We ( You and me ) should do a lot more. It is a drop in the big sea of problems, but many drops should at least create a lake and so on. We just can not passively watch it in front of us and not act.
Colin is making me place solar panels on my office so the office can be independent for electricity. I am putting up heavy padded drapes for the winter to keep the cold out , just as in old time England. Living in the country it is already natural to live with the natural light
 ( getting up early and snug into bed at dawn), making a daily compost, growing organic vegetable. We are not eating meat in our household. We have fish once in a while and always looking for smaller fish , such as sardines. Our cleaning detergent is environmentally friendly. We store the rainwater in a giant tank under the lawn for the vegetable garden.We buy our produce organically already for 25 years. We only use holistic medicine. I guess there is no need to mention the organic skincare... nara heltnaturligt.

What we do wrong is; driving the car to appointments and i wish there was a way to eliminate the monster some days. Our food is too heavily packaged in our local health store, so we are creating a lot of waste of plastic and paper. Our house is not properly isolated yet, but we are working on it. We hardly have anything in the fridge so we could actually turn it off , at least in the winter season. I could not do without a washing machine for the mega laundry every week. We have a TV screen for the movies... and truly dislike  Italian TV. We do not really use paper towels in the kitchen and I will not comment the toilet paper thing... 
You have to see the movie No impact man, for yourself.
Enjoy it,

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