Thursday 4 February 2010

Un Momento Nordico

Follow me and I will tell you small stories and advise about a natural living in Italy.
I am Swedish by birth, as you already figured out seeing my name. Trained and matured in the USA and I am now an adopted citizen in the Italian north.

My normal life is about designing wonderful and beautiful clothing, mostly in cashmere. And my free time is all concentrated on living well in an effortless manner (which I never seem to master).
My house is located in a lush green surrounding, clean water and clean air. I have a handsome and fantastic Italian husband, 4 dogs and 2 cats (all of whom have tons of energy). I always say that its lucky our kitchen is too small for having a horse as well. Knowing us, he would just be spending the evenings with us in the kitchen together with all the other hungry ones. Remember I am from a Pippi Langstrump culture!


  1. Hi, my name is Chungha from Seoul. I had a pleasure of meeting your 'handsome and fantastic' Italian husband yesterday through Steve (from Tokyo, a long time friend of mine). Steve gave me samples of Nara body products a while ago and I think they are GREAT. They are light in fragnance and texure, which I always look for in body products.

    Browsing your blog, I learned a bit about you and we share something in common, Mad Men. I too love the show because I relate to characters in the story. You are right that everyone has ups and downs. When the world seems dark, we thrive for happiness and joy, which is the very human nature. And this is why life is beautiful.

    Your blog and on line shop is lovely. Half way around the earth is really enjoying it.

  2. Dear Chungha,

    I just found your message. Thank you for all the nice compliments. Unfortunately we do have to wait another few months for the next season of Mad Men. In the meantime i have been enjoying Boardwalk Empire ( HBO ) and The Downton Abbey ( BBC ). Hope to meet one day....Gunn
