Saturday 13 February 2010


My new Thing !
My New Year's resolution is never about saving my money to buy a red Ferrari...
It is much more difficult than that !
Every January 1st it is about stop drinking this awfully addictive,wonderfully smelling, black concentrated drink called coffee.Normally I do well all the way through January, but by February it is back again every morning at 9.
What happend? Who put it there in front of me ?
Luckily, I've finally found a solution that works for me: rosemary infusion
Gorgeous and delicious, it gives me that "kick in the butt" I need to get going.
So, take a small piece of rosemary branch, about 10cm should be enough, and place it in a pot with a cup of water. Add a tiny pinch of salt. Bring it to boiling temperature, let sit for a few minutes - and it is ready to drink. I like it plain, but you can add some honey if you like.
Try it, it really works for me !

1 comment:

  1. Rosmarine........i know how much you enjoy the Aroma of the coffe in the morning , especially tomorrow when you will drive to Milan
