Friday 7 May 2010

Shampoo for happy dogs

We are not the only ones getting showers after a day in the garden...........
Valentino is taking his bath in the one hour sunshine we had today. It is a good way to get used to each other and i praise him during this moment.

I simply use a large bowl that i normally use for flowers. He fits perfectly.
It is important to first rinse the coat with finger-warm water before you add 2 tablespoons of shampoo on his back.

His coat is carefully massaged and heartily rinsed until the foam is gone.
He is very calm and stands perfectly still, i think he is actually enjoying it.
Something i noticed using my natural pet-care shampoo is that the dogs are more relaxed and are not desperately trying to get out of the sink. I am convinced that it depends on the natural scent instead of the chemical one.

It is very important to towel-dry carefully. My dogs do not like the hairdryer, so i always have to select a sunny day. It is smart to start early with puppies so they get used to this treatment.

Puppies get easily cold, so I wrap them in the best thing i have, for example this wonderful Agnona cashmere plaid.

The product I use is my own " naturnara shampoo for happy dogs " and it contains only natural and organic plant extracts and oils. It is wonderfully therapeutic for dogs and puppies and kind to their coat and skin.
You can find it in my shop Un Momento Nordico in Biella

We both enjoyed it,


  1. I love sun shower too!Sun Shower come to Tokyo at last!!

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